Monday, 27 July 2015

4 Ways to Make Your Content Marketing Strategy Useful

If you have spent a lot of time in content marketing, you would see a lot of trends, as companies are always implementing initiatives and trends at the same time. While some strategies work sometimes, others don’t. So this article covers all the important tips you need to know and implement, worth my 2 years of experience to benefit from the content marketing.

Friday, 24 July 2015

Using Facebook and Twitter for Business Marketing

Social Media has come a long way from being just a platform for connecting with people to the platform through which you can have your business marketed to generate leads. Talking of the social media, the first two platforms that come into everyone’s mind are Twitter and Facebook.
Both the platforms provide a lot of information when used correctly; however, you have to be quite careful when using these social networks as they require proper knowledge and optimization in order to deliver a good enough ROI number.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Is Building a Google+ Profile Worth Your Time and Efforts?

Is Google+ slowly getting killed? Should you be worried? Well, not right now, as there are industries in which, it offers good enough content. However, what's not clears still is the fact that whether it’s growing or not, as Google doesn’t include it to comment on YouTube, its author tag was also dismissed and is also removed from the brand knowledge graph in search results. Even though it seems like it’s on a decline, we can surely say that it is not being discontinued. This is because it only just added a feature known as “Collections” and this tells that the Google has not decided to call it off as yet.

Monday, 6 July 2015

3 Tips for Improving Your User’s Experience

Whether you are a newbie, building a site for the first time, or an experienced pro having years of professional experience in creating a site, having a fully workable site is crucial to the success of your business online. Also, you have to take into account the audience’s age, location and interest when building web decisions. Google Analytics has got an entire section of statistics dedicated to the composition of web audience, as to how you can make your website more engaging for the existing users.