Wednesday, 27 January 2016

5 Steps to Transfer Your Domain Hosting Successfully

5 Steps to Transferring a Website Successfully
You may have to switch to another hosting company for better bandwidth or loading speed. However, changing a web hosting service requires you to transfer your website completely on their servers.  Contrary to what you may think, a website transfer process is fairly simple, and here is how you can do it:

1) Finding a Web Hosting Provider

Before transferring your website, you are required to find a suitable web hosting provider for your site. There are a number of web hosting providers to choose from, however, search around to find the right web hosting company for your business. Switching a hosting company again and again would waste your time.
Medialinkers web hosting agency in Kennesaw offers feature rich hosting, 24/7 support, scalability, affordability to make the process of website transferring simple and profitable!

2)  Domain Ownership

Make sure to be in charge of your registrant and domain name details. Having obsolete details would waste your time later on. So get the detail ready before moving to your website. Check your email to find out the registered name and email.

After lining up the details, you must decide if you want to transfer the domain registrar or switch to new domain servers for your domain name.  A transfer domain registrar assigns the billing and support to a new domain registrar, keeping all the other settings for the domain name the same.
Switching to domain name servers, switches the DNS to the domain name to point to the new hosting servers. All the existing domain registration details remain the same.
It’s recommended to switch to the domain name servers to a new web hosting company.

3) Sign up a Hosting Account

Sign up for the web hosting company mentioned above to proceed further. Check their hosting packages carefully and inquire about all the relevant details before signing up.

4) Let Medialinkers Handle it

The technicians of Medialinkers will guide you step by step to transfer your website safely from your existing to their company servers. They will communicate with you continuously to ensure a smooth transfer of your website.

5) Confirm & Test

Medialinkers will also send you notifications regarding the successful transfer of your website to their hosting servers unless otherwise specified. Small website transfers will only take a few hours of work while large websites can take a week, depending on a website size. So contact the Medialinkers web hosting team now to transfer your business website for an upgraded speed and other additional features!

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